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spi_utils::Message Struct Reference

#include <utils.h>

Public Attributes

byte msg [kdata_len_]
uint8_t block_size
uint8_t n_blocks

Static Public Attributes

static const uint8_t kdata_len_ = 10

Detailed Description

struct use as a SPI messsage

Carlos Kometter

Member Data Documentation

uint8_t spi_utils::Message::block_size

The size in bytes of the registers to be written. It can be also be think as the number of bytes to be sent before the setting the sync_pin_ to HIGH. (block_size*n_blocks <= kdata_len_)

const uint8_t spi_utils::Message::kdata_len_ = 10

Size of msg. (block_size*n_blocks <= kdata_len_)

byte spi_utils::Message::msg[kdata_len_]

Message to be sent via SPI. Each element represents a byte. This message is separated coul be divided in blocks.

uint8_t spi_utils::Message::n_blocks

The number of blocks. Each block starts with a sync_pin_ to LOW and ends with a sync_pin_ to HIGH. (block_size*n_blocks <= kdata_len_)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: